Monday, August 31, 2015

The Starting Point of Science

Science Starts With Thinking

One derivation of the word science comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning "to know." 

The trouble is, our concept of knowing usually means looking up information in a book or from that great dispenser of knowledge, Google. If you stop and think for a moment, the book or online information exists only after someone actually figures out what is going on with a particular topic. 

Finding out how something works or what makes an event occur usually follows a certain pattern of thinking. To make it sound official we give that system the name The Scientific Method. It makes the way we think sound so... well... so important. But actually, thinking the way the scientific method says we should is natural and normal. 

First, Your Science Notebook.

The normal system in college classes or research labs is to keep a notebook of all the work you do, the recording of the data, and an analysis of the work done.

You are to do the same. Watch the following video which addresses the main concepts of the science notebook. You will also include all the pre-lab work required as you prepare for lab. For instance, all your notes you take in watching the videos in this block should be recorded in your notebook with the title Video Notes for Lab Session One.

The Scientific Method works, and it produces results. 

Our laboratory work this year will stress thinking, experimenting, analyzing and reporting. You will be given the opportunity to design and implement ways of solving unique problems. We will also investigate various methods of presenting the results in an understandable and illustrative manner.

Watch the following videos with pen in hand and laboratory journal ready to use. Write any notes you feel necessary as you watch, but most importantly, keep your mind and imagination open.

This Block Must Be Completed Before the First Session Lab

Consult your Lab Schedule for Dates of Your Lab

Action Steps to Success:

(1) Write your reaction to the ideas presented in this video.

(2) Give examples of two non-science problems that can be addressed by using the Scientific Method.

Safety & Instruments in Lab:

Throughout the year several of the labs you will do involve instruments of various types, and working in lab requires a thorough knowledge of proper techniques and safety procedures. You will be provided training during the lab, but it is VERY IMPORTANT for you to build up some degree of knowledge prior to coming to lab.

Watch each of the following videos to help build a functional background in each topic or instrument. Make a list in your lab notebook highlighting the important facts you should remember about each video.

Please note you will not use each instrument in all labs, but either later in the year or another lab will require the use of each instrument.

The Lab Report

As this course progresses, you are required to write a report of the topics and calculations you did in the lab. Watch the following overview video, but keep in mind your lab instructor will give you some specific requirements that might differ from the video.

This system of writing a lab report is pretty standard. You should use this system, but remember to write it up in your Lab Notebook.

Finally, be sure and complete this entire module BEFORE attending the Session One Lab. Check your Lab Schedule for the day and time of the lab for your course.

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